Asked on May 07, 2016

Attempted to clean a comforter with Oxyclean but it a big brown mark

Margaret Thake
by Margaret Thake
We have a new puppy who had an accident on a new comforter. I sprayed oxyclean on it and washed it in a front loading washer right away but it left a huge brown stain on the comforter.(Bigger than the original spot) What causes this and what can I do to take it out?
  10 answers
  • Spe3341445 Spe3341445 on May 08, 2016
    I have no clue what caused the stain to "grow", but I would try hydrogen peroxide.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 08, 2016
    It was most likely the use of the Oxyclean. Having just read an article I found this may help get rid of the brown stain. Mix some baking soda with hydrogen peroxide into a paste an add a drop of dish soap. Rub into the stain and leave on long enough so it breaks down. Blot excess off and lightly rinse and totally dry.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 08, 2016
    Hmmm...was the puppy stain brown to begin with? Hopefully you didn't set the stain by putting it in the dryer. I'd try washing it again and use a different stain remover like Shout. Wash it and check the stain to see if it came out. And then get Rover his own blanket !!
  • Theresa Smith Theresa Smith on May 08, 2016
    Going forward, you might consider treating puppy stains with Nature's Miracle before washing. I've had good luck with treating puppy/small dog urine stains with it.
  • Sheila Sheila on May 08, 2016
    Like you, I found this out the hard way. When reading the directions for a new carpet shampooer, I found the cause. The manufacturer offers several different formulas of shampoo. It cautioned to NOT use the Oxy formula on pet stains. It didn't, however, offer what to do about it if you already did it. So, a cautionary tale for everyone ~ NO OXY FORMULA ON PET STAINS.
  • Janice Heiser Janice Heiser on May 08, 2016
    Use forming Dawn dish soap Shout put the dawn on stain rub in than add the shout let sit for about 30 mins wash as you like it has work for me on all kinds of stains
  • Margaret Thake Margaret Thake on May 09, 2016
    I wondered if it has something to do with the front loading washer and the fact that it doesn't fill with water totally and it just settled in a weird position. Why it turned brown. I'm still mystified?? I will try the peroxide. Thanks!
  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 11, 2022

    Hi Margaret, hope this helps you out.

    You can also soak the duvet in vinegar for about 30 minutes. Then, use cold water to rinse the duvet. Repeat the process a few more times till the stain completely disappears. Once the stain is off the duvet, wash it with detergent again to remove the smell of white vinegar

    Sadly, some stain removers can cause more damage to fabric if they're left to sit on a stain. Make sure to read and follow instructions, particularly when it comes to how long the stain remover should treat a stain.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 12, 2022

    Call the company and explain this to them. They probably have dealt with similair issues like this before.