Easy Hacks to Cut Holiday Cleaning Time in Half - With Casabella

This post is sponsored by Casabella.

Cut holiday cleaning time in half with these simple tricks.

Have you been holding off dusting your blinds? Try this handy tool from Casabella that glides over the blinds, collecting all the dust along the way. The best part? You can wash the covers and use them over and over again.

Casabella tool for cleaning blinds

Speaking of washing, use a paper towel tube attached to your vacuum to sweep inside hard-to-reach places, like the lint trap in your dryer.

Grab the Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop to clean all your floors with ease.

Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

Simply add your cleaning solution to the bucket, then fill with warm water. It's perfectly designed for clean and dirty separation. It is so easy to use. Just dip the mop in the cleaning solution, then spin the excess water.

Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

The two separate water buckets allow you to always use clean water to clean your floor. The microfiber head helps clean the floors even better.

Cleaning with lint roller

Grab a lint roller, but not for your clothes. Roll this over your couch to collect pet hair, your lampshades for quick dusting, and your throw pillows to keep them looking like new.

Clearing dust with a can of compressed air

For dusty electronics, grab a can of compressed air for quick dusting. You can also use this on hard-to-clean items like vases and lamps.

Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

Are your baseboards needing some attention?

Mix a solution of 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle.

Spray your baseboards, then wipe with a microfiber cloth. You can also clean dirty baseboards with the Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop, which pivots easily to get all angles of your baseboards.

Cleaning shower

Erase water stains and mildew from your shower doors in no time. Make a glass shower door spray with a solution of four parts water to one part vinegar. Spray the shower door, then let the solution sit for a few minutes. Wipe off with a glass microfiber cloth.

Another simple trick is to use a squeegee after each shower to keep hard water from building up. Finish up the bathroom by giving the floors a quick mop for a sparkling shine.

Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

The Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop gets into corners easily and the dirty water can be emptied into the sink after each use.

Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

Don't forget to wipe down your stainless steel sink after washing dishes to remove water spots and make your sink really shiny.

These simple tips will make holiday cleaning so quick and easy.

Floor BEFORE using Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

Check out these before and after photos to see what a huge difference the Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop made to my floors!

Get your hands on your own Casabella mop at Target.

Floor AFTER using Casabella Clean Water Spin Mop

Thanks to Casabella for sponsoring this post.

Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet
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